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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Book Tour + #Giveaway - Self's Blossom - by David Russell #erotic #romance

Self's Blossom
David Russell
Genre: Adult Romance

A romantic, erotic tale of a vivid portrayal of the quest for the inner
truth, empowerment and sexual liberation of Selene, a woman searching for primeval abandon and reckless adventure.

Intelligent, a university graduate and a successful careerist, Selene became emotionally scarred by unhappy relationships. Riled and taunted through the years by her former college roommate Janice, Selene gave in to the long-term desire to ‘get one back’ at Janice by having a passionate holiday encounter.

Immediately drawn to the sea and enthralled by its brutal yet sensual waves, Selene seduces a young boy on a deserted beach. Once she comes to meet the mature and powerful Hudson, Selene finally begins to claim her sensual destiny.

Through a slow process, accentuated by Selene’s shyness, introspection and circumspection, she embarks on a long and elaborate interplay of
leading on and rejection. The volcanic passion builds until there is a blazing row. A possible drowning, the final ritual undressing at long last, leads to the ultimate flowering of the woman Selene was meant to be.

Born in the UK, 1940. David has been writing erotica since the mid-1980s. Published extensively in magazines and anthologies (including anthologies from Forward Press in Peterborough UK.

Book Publications 'Prickling Counterpoints' (Selected Poetry & Prose), Deadline Books 1998, 'Romantic Undress' (Erotic Poetry & Prose)
JazzClaw Publications 2000. Current romantica/erotica publications are 'Self's Blossom' (novella), and 'Explorations' (short story), published by Devine Destinies; 'Therapy Rapture' (poetry,prose and artwork) published by Rose Dog Books. Forthcoming are two short stories, 'My Dream of Madonna/An Ecstatic Rendezvous', to be published by XoXo Publishing.

Also recorded singer-songwriter: vinyl album, 'Bricolage' recorded by
Billy Childish for Hangman Records 1992; CD albums 'Bacteria  Shrapnel' and 'The Burglars of Britain' (1998)

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

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