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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Sage Marlowe First Anniversary Blog Tour and #G!veaway

Sage Marlowe’s First Anniversary Blog Tour & Giveaway

Knives & Feathers

Hello and welcome to the latest stop of my 1st Anniversary Blog Tour & Giveaway. Thanks for hosting me, H K

One year has passed since my successful debut novel, Sub-Mission, was released on May 14, 2012. A lot has happened during those twelve months. I’m taking the chance to look back and tell you a bit about the background of the books I’ve published, but also about things that happened in my life or that are on my mind. There’s one stop for every book, and of course, there are prizes waiting for you, because as always, good things for me mean good things for you, my dear friends and readers. Please read the “Giveaway” section below for details. 

Today, I’d like to talk to you about tears. Yes, tears. Emotions. One of the most frequent feedbacks I receive on my books is “It moved me to tears” or something along those lines. Now, honestly, crying over a book is nothing to be ashamed of and I totally understand it. I’m the kind of reader who just recently got in a funk over the death of a fictional character and spent an entire afternoon grieving him. Actually, make that an afternoon and an evening—the book was really well written and haunting. 

Anyway, whenever I hear this from a reader, I’m torn between feeling sorry—who wants to be the reason someone cried, after all?—and being one hell of a proud author. I know it’s been said that making people laugh is even harder than making them cry, but hey, moving someone to tears means I have succeeded in stirring emotions, doesn’t it? 

Incidentally, the first person ever to say this to me was my editor Sue. She sent me an e-mail one day, informing me that she was just about to start editing Knives & Feathers. It was the first time we worked together and I didn’t really know her back then so didn’t have a clue what to expect. Less than an hour later, I received a second e-mail: “Bloody hell, I’m crying here.” That was all, six words, but bloody hell, I was crying, too, after that. 

I still get a knot in my throat when someone tells me they cried over my books, although I have to admit that there’s also always a little devil sitting on my shoulder. Guess what this little bugger says? I bet you’ve already thought it. “Maybe they cried because the book was so bad…” Well, I keep hoping that my writing makes people cry because they feel for and with my characters so much.

Ladies & Gentlemen, this is the book that made my editor cry:

Knives and Feathers

They say that love can heal all wounds - even the ones that are self-inflicted?

When best-selling author Chester Banning requires inside information on the life of a forensic pathologist, he comes across an enticing yet rather unwilling study subject in the shape of sinfully attractive Dr Nicolas Sheridan.

After a hot and slightly unsettling one night stand, Sheridan turns out to be as inapproachable as he is intriguing but clearly not interested in intensifying the liaison. Chester however finds himself falling head over heels in love and doesn’t rest until he succeeds in cracking Sheridan's icy shell. What he discovers underneath is a man who is well capable of love and affection but caught up in a web of lies spun by his abusive and possessive partner, Jake Simmons.

Led to believe that he is responsible for the death of his past lover, Sheridan's sense of guilt makes him tolerate the mistreatment he receives from Jake and seek punishment in self-harm.

Will the love and support Chester can give be enough to help Sheridan free himself from the demons that haunt him or is all Chester can do watch him go further down the road to self-destruction?

Giveaway—Here’s what you can win:

#1 - Sage’s Goodie Package:

Contains a signed copy of Sub-Culture, a set of signed book cover photographs and some surprise goodies to spoil you

#2 - Create a character

Here’s your chance to create your very own fictional character that will be featured in one of my next books. The winner gets to pick the name and distinct features like hair / eye colour, height and a few personality quirks of a hero (male characters only, and please keep it doable…). Depending on the specification, I will either include him in a current WIP or use him as inspiration for a brand new story. The winner will also receive a free e-copy of this story once it’s published.

How to enter:

Leave a comment in the comment section asking to be entered in the giveaway. The winner will be picked at random and announced on my blog on May 20th. Multiple entries are allowed and will increase your chances to win. For additional terms and conditions, please go to http://www.sage-marlowe.com/p/contests.html

You can find the full tour schedule here: http://www.sage-marlowe.com/p/blog-tour-may-2013.html

About Sage Marlowe

Sage is a multi-published author of gay erotic romance novels and novellas and loves exploring the flavours of gay erotic fiction.
A willing slave to all the fascinating guys who keep queuing up and want their stories told, Sage can almost always be found cooking up the next hot story or daydreaming about new ways of rubbing sexy male bodies together to make the sparks fly.

Contact and buy links

For all books published with Total-E-Bound, go to: http://www.total-e-bound.com/authordetail.asp?A_ID=224
For all books published with Siren-BookStrand, go to: www.bookstrand.com/sage-marlowe


  1. Happy Anniversary Sage :)

  2. If it made your editor cry, you know that I'm all for it! You are doing so wonderfully, Sage! Thank you for doing this Blog tour!

    1. Aww, thank you, Susan! It's great fun to do this tour, actually, makes for a nice change to go out and meet people ;)

  3. Happy Anniversary Sage! Please can I be entered in the giveaway?
    I love "Knives and Feathers"...and yes, it did make me cry...
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I'll even invite Matt to visit you again....lol!

    1. Thank you, Sue! Of course you're entered and hey, you're one of the people I was thinking of when I talked about the feedback.

      Hugs back xx
      (Why would Matt visit me again? He never left...)

  4. Hi Sage, Thanks so much for letting us share in your anniversary. I love emotion in my stories.
