What was your favourite book as a child/teenager?
I didn’t really have a favorite. I read most of the Classics, like Black Beauty, Heidi, Old Yeller, Huckleberry Fin and as I got older I went for the Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys series ;) AND, then I found Science Fiction *grins*
I didn’t really have a favorite. I read most of the Classics, like Black Beauty, Heidi, Old Yeller, Huckleberry Fin and as I got older I went for the Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys series ;) AND, then I found Science Fiction *grins*
Who was the first author or what was the first book you read that introduced you to the genre that you most enjoy writing in?
It wasn’t really a book in my hand, but movies that pulled at my heart strings…like 1,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Treasure Island, Journey to the Center of the Earth, War of the Worlds…I was a real science fiction geek. Lived for Double Creature Feature, Twilight Zone, Lost in Space, Dark Shadows, Creature of the Dark Lagoon, Jason and the Argonauts, The Blob…I loved them all ;)
Do you believe in love at first sight? And if so, have you ever been so afflicted? Did you do anything about it? (Did you go for it?)
I do believe in love at first sight…because I married him. Even though we grew up together…through school, we didn’t actually become a couple until our sophomore year. BUT, we both knew at an early age (from later conversations) we were meant to be together. We both had feelings about the other very early, and I want to say we first discovered each other with a look. Sort of like Divine intervention.
Is there a particular word you overuse or writing technique that your editor(s) ride you about?
This makes me laugh…a little. I love my editors (Nancy Bell and Greta Gunnselman) and I asked Nancy how many ways can I say the words ~ arousal, aroused, and stimulated…truly, how many ways are there? LOL
The Lycan in my LIIA series live in a constant state of arousal for each other and are stimulated by oh so many things… *grins* Nancy assures me there’s a strong story behind all of that lusty behavior. Thank goodness!
Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? (Or do you even believe in it?) If so, how were you able to overcome it?
I’ve discovered something about my “writing process” ~ I write like crazy and then…I stop. I’ll stop for weeks, maybe even a month, and then I purge out another twenty thousand words or so. It’s like I’m processing the story as I write it…like I’m listening for those story-stars to belch it out, even though I’m also running with an outline. If the story-stars don’t agree, well, what can I say;)
For the longest time I questioned this, wondering if other authors would name this a block…and perhaps it is, but I prefer to label it as my personal writing process and allow it to flow as it willJ
The end of Savage Smoke took months of writing and rewriting. Smoke insisted on redemption, and originally I thought it was his time to die…well, when you read the book, see what he’s gone and done. I think we kicked each other’s A**’s. *giggles*
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I’m a lifer in Michigan…love the entire state. My husband and I are avid fisherman and there are so many beautiful pristine lakes to fishJ My husband is also a hunter, and there’s lots of areas full of game for hunting. To me, the perfect writing retreat is a beautiful view of nature. I’d love to live in Northern Michigan where my backyard is a forestJ I’m definitely not a city girl.
If you could bring one of your own characters to life, who would it be and why?
I think Chance would be my pick…I’m head over heels in love with him ;)
What are you reading right now?
I can’t list all of the books I’m reading…I read tons of books at the same time. Some fiction, some non-fiction…I usually have around ten to twenty books going at the same time, plus I edit a number of books;)
My favorite genre to read is erotic paranormal romance…but I’m gaining new appreciation for other sub-genres of romance, like Historical romance, Steampunk, Fantasy romance, and Romantic Comedy. Even have an erotic zombie thriller on my kindle;)
When you read, do you prefer a stand-alone or a series?
I hate to admit this, but there are so many authors I want to read, I find it difficult to stick with an entire series…and here I am writing one. If I’m hooked on the characters…I’m locked in, but a story without fully developed characters won’t keep me engaged.
If you were to do a reality show, which one would it be?
OH, HK, I hate reality shows…I’m living in a fantasy world, after all ;)
What is the craziest, most exciting, or most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
For years I went canoeing with a group of women down a river in Northern Michigan…we called ourselves the River Rangers (LOL) – even had our own song. So, I thought if I could do that and handle canoeing all of these years (like 20), I could handle white water rafting.
OH. My. GOSH. The water wasn’t the only thing white on that trip…my knuckles holding the oar, my face, my pale demeanor. Holy craps, my friend’s raft went over and my groups’ raft raced by it so fast there was no way we could stop or even slow down to help rescue her (she was under the raft). I was never so scared in my life…too many rocks, water too fast, and absolutely nowhere to stop and rest. My friend couldn’t swim either, for goodness sakes.
Thankfully, there are guides that can handle these types of incidents…she came out too scared to continue down the river, so was gratefully able to be picked up and driven back to our motel…and all it would have taken for me to get off that white water death trap was to tumble into the water *smiles* I have to admit, it was empowering to make it to the end without falling out.
Name a celebrity, athlete, musician, etc. you’d most like to get naughty with.
Are you familiar with the show Supernatural? Dean stole my heart with his clean-cut naughty boy persona, and his kick-butt hunter expertise, plus his voice…oh, my…kind of like Sam Elliot’s, but not. Sweet as pie…or dark and mysterious as chocolate…melts my insides just the same ;)
What is your favourite way to promote or connect with fans?
I’m still working on this one ;) My favorite social media is Twitter…but I still am not savvy on where to meet readers
Favourite movie?
A very old movie ~ An Affair to Remember starring Cary Grant and Debra Kerr;)
Dream Vacation?
A few weeks of lakeside serenity surrounded by rustic wooded area – I love nature…and of course, I would be writing or fishing with DH.
Dream Car?
RV *grins* People who hang out in RV parks are some of the nicest people in the worldJ Everyone is on vacation.
RV *grins* People who hang out in RV parks are some of the nicest people in the worldJ Everyone is on vacation.
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?
Mint chocolate chip
What can readers look forward to next?
Book 3 in the series, working title, Smoke ‘n Bliss J
Please tell us about your newest release.
Short and sweet version: Trevor (Right hand to the LIIA Alpha, Chance) is struggling over the loss of Lindsey to another, Chance has his hands full with Olivia’s condition, Jase goes missing in action, and Smoke escapes detection with a plan to take over the Elders Rule, and a few new story-stars enter with their own agendas.
Plus here’s the Sizzling HOT! Warning: Lots of two-somes, three-somes, even more-somes, like it stimulating, arousing, and positively natural…or supernatural.
Author: Kay Dee Royal
Title: Savage Smoke
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Muse It Hot Publishing
Release Date: June 2013
Buy Link: Muse It Up Publishing Store
Author Website: http://kaydeeroyal.wix.com/kaydeeroyal
Author Blog: http://www.kaydeeroyal.blogspot.com
Chance and his LIIA pack of agents search for rogue Lycan mastermind, Smoke, kidnapper of Lindsey and fifteen other human women he plans to use for procreating his own army.
Trevor, Chance’s right-hand Lycan, wants his mate back, but believes she’s fallen for her captor. Lindsey loves Trevor but believes he’s given up on her.
Short Excerpt:

She was used to the little needle pricks and welcomed them. It made acting the part with Smoke so much easier, believing in her heart Trevor made love to her, but guarding that fact from Smoke by holding Trevor’s name in the secret place, locked safely away.
Lindsey understood some of the sexual attraction. She had that once, but she couldn’t go there in her mind. Smoke searched her thoughts almost daily and always found if she’d tapped into any memory nuggets of people she loved. He possessed psychic abilities others didn’t. Already, the thoughts of Trevor that had emerged she’d need to bury before Smoke returned.
If an orgy ensued during their pack meeting, Smoke would be preoccupied for a good while. She reached her arm underneath the mattress, where a few weeks ago she saw Smoke slide his journal. Lindsey had fallen asleep with her back to the fireplace. A crack of thunder wakened her in time to witness Smoke closing a journal and placing it beneath the mattress they shared.
Lindsey touched its leather cover, wrapped her fingers around it, and hauled it out.
Author Bio:
Kay Dee Royal writes paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary erotic romance—maybe because it's also her favorite genres to read! She pens tales with wild, rugged heroes and strong, intelligent heroines. She'll give them both a few shadowy secrets, making her stories intriguing and fun. She resides in Southern Michigan with her family (her dogs, her cats, her caged husband... you get the idea). You can reach her at her blog and find the latest on her titles from her publisher, MuseItHot.
Amazon Author Page; FB; Twitter; GoodReadsKay Dee Royal writes paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary erotic romance—maybe because it's also her favorite genres to read! She pens tales with wild, rugged heroes and strong, intelligent heroines. She'll give them both a few shadowy secrets, making her stories intriguing and fun. She resides in Southern Michigan with her family (her dogs, her cats, her caged husband... you get the idea). You can reach her at her blog and find the latest on her titles from her publisher, MuseItHot.
Hello HK...thanks so much for having me here today:) *hugs* I've been excited about this visit...always happy to hang out with my Muse It Up Sistas:)
ReplyDeleteSo...I brought brownies...anyone want one:)I love your place...nice and cozy.
Great to have you here, Kay Dee. Ohhh, pass those over...mmm
ReplyDeleteI'm telling Scott you love a cool dude by the name of Chance. Nice interview and great blog site. Best wishes on your continued success.
ReplyDeleteHK...you help yourself...I want to be chatting about some of your books, too:) I have a couple of them on my kindle - SWAP and Street People...both look hot and inviting:) Your historical romance, The Devil Take You is amazing...I loved that book...I fell in love with Gard:) But, you already know that *grins*
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon...big hugs...thank you so much for stopping in:) I know you're not an erotic romance reader, but you are one of my bestest writing pals and a close friend outside of writing, always inspiring and supportive no matter what I write *grins* Thank goodness for you:) Another hug...and another thank you for stopping in. I know you'd love HK's The Devil Take You;)
Hi, Just dropped in to see how the party was going. I have to say Savage Smoke is hot hot hot. There is certainly FIRE where this SMOKE is concerned. Brought some snicker doodles, here I'll put them over here on the buffet. (Opps used here 2X in one sentence My bad LOL)
ReplyDeleteHugs to two of my fav authors.
Hi Nancy...Big Hugs...yeah, you know how hot it is...thank goodness for your editor hand and heart:) I'm so glad you stopped by...thank you.
ReplyDeleteOH...P.S. the snicker doodles are amazing:)
ReplyDeleteHi Kay Dee and Heather!
ReplyDeleteFun interview, and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who goes weeks without writing, then purges it out in a marathon session. And I love Dean from Supernatural too.:) We do have a lot in common, besides werewolves and a fabulous content editor (our dear Nancy)! Well except... you write way hotter than me-LOL Of course I've got to read this sequel, even though it sounds like I'll need a fan and a jug of ice water to get through it:)
Cheers and hugs,