Swap — If You Can't Handle the Heat — Sin Bin

Sunday 25 October 2015

#WeWriWa Teaser 8 - Naughty Fairy Tale #8sunday Jack and the Jean Stock

Here's the next 9 from Jack and the Jean Stock. Last week, we left poor Jack holding the goods when an overly touchy feely cop showed up on scene. Here's what happens next...

With his muscular frame, the lawman pressed Jack up against the wall, coaxing his palms flat against the cool brick. “Keep ‘em up there.”

With his shiny black boot, Tabart kicked his stance wider. “Spread ‘em.”

All hands once again, Rick unzipped Jack’s coat and continued to frisk him, molding his strong hands over Jack’s chest.
“Mm, been workin’ out, Jackie?”

But just as he was about to reply, Rick ran the heel of his hand down the length of Jack’s dick, still at half mast from the first overlyfriendly body search. Rick then pressed his body to Jack’s and rubbed his own hardened cock against his ass.

A noise farther up the alley had Rick pulling back.


Strapped for cash and drowning in his ailing mother’s medical debt, the one bright spark in Jack Castor’s life is working his dream job for a specialty clothing manufacturer that caters to large men. Although his personal life is all but nonexistent, career-wise, he thrives under the tutelage of his friend and father-like mentor, Cronus Gigandet, a gigantic man with a heart to match. But when Cronus dies suddenly, the company’s future is thrown into uncertainty.

Titan Gigandet, Cronus’ wayward son, a giant of a man in his own right, is furious when he learns his father has included his upstart protégé, Jack, in his will, leaving him equal shares in the family-run factory. Reluctantly, Titan rescinds his own self-imposed exile and returns to a company in turmoil.
The gloves come off, and the major players fight for control. With the shareholder’s agreement about to run out, decisions concerning the business need to be made, and quick. But Jack and Titan clash at every turn. The pair is so at odds, the quarrels rapidly become physical, but fists soon give way to angry, forbidden kisses. Though the blazing new attraction does nothing to quell the antagonism or distrust between them.
While battling to save the company, Jack’s mother takes a turn for the worse. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, Titan unearths a stunning find.
Could this new discovery be Jack’s ‘golden goose’ or just the beginning of the end to everything Jack holds dear?

Amazon      Evernight

I hope you enjoyed the tease from Jack. Hop on over to Weekend Writing Warriors central for the list of this week's www participants.


  1. There's definitely some sexual harassment going on here.

  2. That is one frisky frisking! Sounds like a really cool story concept.
