Swap — If You Can't Handle the Heat — Sin Bin

Sunday 17 January 2016

#WeWriWa Lost Time - Teaser 3 #timetravel #8Sunday

Weekend Writing Warriors


Here's another 10 from one of my old favourites,  Lost Time, an erotic time-travel romance. (published January 2013) When we left Hannah, she was on a bus headed for Wales cursing her friend who stood her up...

“What do you mean you’re not coming?” Hannah had asked through clenched teeth.

“Paul proposed last night!” Cassie'd gushed. “Isn’t that the best news ever, Hannah?”

Hannah might have been happy for her at any other time, or if she hadn’t thought Paul was a complete dick and had only asked Cassie this life-altering question the night before the big trip because he didn’t want Cassie to go off without him…even though it had been planned long before he’d even met her. But, as much as Hannah disliked Paul as a person, she secretly envied what Cassie had with him. She wanted that for herself—someone to share her life with, someone to love and who loved her in return. Though she’d never had much luck with men or relationships. Guys only wanted one thing, and it wasn’t her heart.


Hop on over to Weekend Writing Warriors central for this week's list of www participants


  1. Great bit of characterization here. I hope Hannah finds what she's looking for!

  2. Beautifully written with great characterization. Love your snippet

  3. I can sense her sadness and frustration. Friend throws her over for a partner she dislikes, yet she envies her friend at the same time. Good snippet.

  4. I feel really bad for Hannah. I'd dump that friend. That was a b.s. excuse for getting out of the trip.

    Great snippet! Reeled me in. :-)

  5. The ambivalence of her feelings comes through loud and clear.
